
Sunday. 24 October, 2021 - Saturday. 30 October, 2021
Thursday. 28 October, 2021
8:30 am

Seminar - October 28, 2021

Gold Room - Whitley Hall (Troy Montgomery)

Plan now to attend our Annual Professional Development Seminar!

Early Registration has expired.

Project Everest

Location: Whitley Hall, Room 140, on Troy University’s Montgomery campus

October 28, 2021

8:30am - 4:30pm 

About the seminar

The PMI South Alabama Chapter will hold their 2021 Professional Development Seminar, “Project Everest” on October 28th and invites all area project management professionals, new and experienced, to attend and join in the discussion. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting in your project management career, you are sure to benefit from networking with other area project managers and pick up some great insights, tools and tips from our speaker this year,  Allen Mallory.    (Promotion Video)    (Project Everest Introduction)

PDUs Awarded: 8

Pricing:  $115 online or at the door. 

Gold Room of Whitley Hall
231 Montgomery Street
Montgomery, Alabama 36103-4419

Parking: There is no charge to park in Troy University, Montgomery Campus lots or the deck.

 Menu: Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, & afternoon snack will be provided.


Seminar Agenda

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

8:15am – Sign in with Light Breakfast

Breakfast: Assorted Pastries / Muffins, Fruit, Assorted Fruit Juice, Coffee and Water

8:30am – Session 1: Project Everest: Essential Steps for Successful Projects

9:50am - Morning Snack Break:

   Assorted Snacks, Sodas and Bottled Water

10a:00m – Session 2:  Age of Agile: A Hybrid Approach to Agile Project Management

12:00pm Lunch:

   Pulled Chicken or Pork, Mac-n-Cheese, Baked Beans, Salad, Banana Pudding

12:45pm Session 3:  Emotional Intelligence for Managing Diverse Complex Teams

2:15  Afternoon Snack Break

   Assorted Sweet and Salty Snacks, Sodas and Bottled Water

2:30pm Session 4:  Strategic Planning and Building Professional Relationships

4:00pm – 4:30pm Session 5: Hands-on activity with ropes, knots and climbing equipment

2021 Featured Speaker and Presentations 

Allen Mallory

Alan Mallory

Alan is an international speaker, author and performance coach who is passionate about leadership and reaching new heights in all that we do. His unique philosophy of
life revolves around empowering people and embracing an agile mentality focused on relationships and results. By understanding what drives and motivates us, we are
able to cultivate more innovative and effective ways of thinking and taking action. Alan holds a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University and a Masters in Psychology from Adler University, giving him a well-balanced approach to the outer and inner challenges we all face.

Alan has worked internationally with large organizations as a professional engineer and project manager developing patents and solutions to complex challenges in the mining and metals industry. Living and working abroad has given him the opportunity to deepen his understanding of individual and team challenges, better appreciate cultural diversity and successfully adapt to different organizational structures. Building experience through a lifestyle of adventure and challenge, Alan embarked on the project of a lifetime and set a world record on Mount Everest along with three members of his immediate family. It was a two-month expedition through some of the most exciting yet terrifying conditions imaginable and their success demanded an unwavering perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

Session 1: Technical ~ 1.5 PDUs

Project Everest: Essential Steps for Successful Projects

Climbing Mount Everest is considered one of humanity’s greatest feats of endurance. The exciting expedition to the top of the world’s highest peak is a project filled with unparalleled physical and mental challenges and some of the roughest, most extreme conditions imaginable. In 2008, Alan Mallory took on the challenge and set a world record with three other members of his family after an incredible self-guided expedition on the mountain. The expedition challenged the mental, emotional and physical limits of their entire beings and at every stage of the ascent demanded an unwavering commitment to resilience and perseverance.

Alan’s dynamic presentation focuses on developing project managers and strengthening project teams by reinforcing the professional development and project management skills that are essential for success in any project. It highlights the processes that are involved in planning and executing difficult projects by using the challenge of Everest as a metaphor and example of such a project. It is an engaging visual and educational journey that is supported by many of the stunning photos and short videos captured along the expedition. Alan’s program reinforces the importance of numerous project management skills such as strategic planning, effective communication, risk management, teamwork and development of trust within professional relationships as well as the mentality and passion involved in conquering one’s own Everest, whatever that may be.

There is also a lot of insight to be gained about personal development and finding the spark within each of us that drives us to do the things we do and how we can use this knowledge to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. By controlling our focus and concentrating on the areas we are most passionate about, we are capable of accomplishing great things.

Alan highlights various technical components throughout this module and shares matrices and examples of project management tools. Some of these technical elements include:

  • The work breakdown structure for Project Everest • Categorized work packages
    • Defining roles and responsibilities
    • A sample precedence diagram for Project Everest • Multi-criteria decision analyses
  • Communication models
    • The risk breakdown structure for Project Everest • Adapting to change and volatile environments
    • A risk matrix for impact and likelihood
    • Development of risk response strategies

The underlying message is about how we as project managers need to reach new heights in the way we think and the actions we take in order to continuously improve ourselves and advance our profession. Alan creates a powerful and unforgettable journey for his audience by integrating captivating mountaineering and adventure stories with his innovative leadership, project management, psychology and engineering experience.

Session 2: Technical ~ 2 PDUs

Age of Agile: A Hybrid Approach to Agile Project Management

Throughout this interactive module, project managers will explore various elements of agility and related agile methodologies from a unique perspective that encourages innovative thinking and application of agile techniques. It is based on a hybrid approach to agile project management which combines agile practices with traditional waterfall methodologies. The material builds on the Project Everest framework presented during Alan’s keynote and is a more in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of agile project management and following an iterative and adaptive approach. Some of the focus areas of this module include:

  • Hybrid methods of incorporating agile project management
  • Responding quickly and efficiently to issues that arise
  • Making prompt project decisions and taking appropriate action
  • Adopting an iterative approach to project processes
  • The importance of team interaction and effective collaboration
  • Empowering team members to make informed decisions
  • Adapting to the environment and revised customer requirements
  • Continuous identification and evaluation of risks

Session 3: Leadership ~ 1.5 PDUs

Emotional Intelligence for Managing Diverse Complex Teams

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, manage and purposefully express our own emotions as well understand and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. This is a crucial capacity to develop for project managers as it plays such a critical role in motivating others, problem solving, resolving conflicts and in building relationships. Emotional intelligence is important for many industries but these competencies are probably the most important for project managers because of the complex interactions and communication strategies needed.

Some of the focus areas of this module include:

  • Emotional stigma and our tendencies to suppress emotions
  • Mental health and the internal challenges we are faced with
  • The technological influence on emotional intelligence
  • Recognizing and managing emotions in ourselves
  • Opportunities for influencing emotional responses in others
  • The emotion-cognition correlation (EQ & IQ)
  • Stress, risk factors and coping/reduction mechanisms
  • Transparency and integrity in the ways we communicate
  • Cultural, locational, personality and generational considerations
  • Optimism and controlling our focus

Session 4: Strategic ~ 1.5 PDUs

Strategic Planning and Building Professional Relationships

Alan’s strategic and business management module focuses on the importance of upfront strategic planning and working through interpersonal challenges in order to foster healthy trust relationships and boost project performance. It highlights the importance of future-thinking and coming up with strategies of dealing with and working through issues that arise. This program is about planning for and adapting to changes in environment, expectations and stakeholder mentality and engaging well with those we interact with. Above all, the focus is on putting people first, which is the foundation of high performance, client retention and long-term success.

Some of the focus areas of this module include:

  • Developing a comprehensive strategic plan
  • EEFs and OPAs that influence strategic planning
  • Communication challenges that arise internally and externally
  • Overcoming communication barriers
  • Communication technology
  • Alignment of business goals and team objectives
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Transparency and integrity in the way we communicate
  • Building trust in professional relationships

Session 5: Leadership ~ 1.5 PDUs (session and networking)

Hands-on group activity with ropes, knots and climbing equipment

The last module is concluded with a fun activity which relates to risk, communication, development of trust, teamwork, agility and various other project management areas. Volunteer groups are chosen from the audience to construct the different sections of a Z+C pulley system, which is used for crevasse rescue in mountaineering. The exercise requires the volunteer groups to work together with ropes, knots and other climbing equipment, following images and instructions that Alan provides.

Once the pulley system has been constructed, the purpose of all the various sections will be demonstrated and the overall effectiveness. It is a great way to close the day allowing all to  work together in a fun, collaborative challenge.